

Scale Network: Multi-Station System for Weighbridges


Call for price


The news of the SCALE NETWORK system

  • Creation of multi-indicator weighbridges
    Each weighbridge can be connected to one or more indicators, which can be connected to one or more repeaters.
    The network can be also connected to the company’s computer system.
  • Real-time updating of the data of all the connected indicators
    By inserting a new record in any indicator, the same is automatically added in the database of all the indicators.
  • Shared database of the opened weighs
    Each weigh is recorded in real-time on all the connected indicators.
  • Data backup in case of failure
    If one indicator of the network is out of service, when it is fixed, all the weighs and the database of the network will be automatically updated with those of the functioning indicator.
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Scale Network: Multi-Station System for Weighbridges


Call for price


The news of the SCALE NETWORK system

  • Creation of multi-indicator weighbridges
    Each weighbridge can be connected to one or more indicators, which can be connected to one or more repeaters.
    The network can be also connected to the company’s computer system.
  • Real-time updating of the data of all the connected indicators
    By inserting a new record in any indicator, the same is automatically added in the database of all the indicators.
  • Shared database of the opened weighs
    Each weigh is recorded in real-time on all the connected indicators.
  • Data backup in case of failure
    If one indicator of the network is out of service, when it is fixed, all the weighs and the database of the network will be automatically updated with those of the functioning indicator.

Scale Network is a network of 3590E AF03 indicators for weighbridges, connected to each other through the special SETHNET ethernet interface. Thanks to the SCALE NETWORK system, on any of the connected indicators it is possible to execute a weighing operation or a modification of the database, with a real-time updating of all the connected indicators.

The news of the SCALE NETWORK system

  • Creation of multi-indicator weighbridges
    Each weighbridge can be connected to one or more indicators, which can be connected to one or more repeaters.
    The network can be also connected to the company’s computer system.
  • Real-time updating of the data of all the connected indicators
    By inserting a new record in any indicator, the same is automatically added in the database of all the indicators.
  • Shared database of the opened weighs
    Each weigh is recorded in real-time on all the connected indicators.
  • Data backup in case of failure
    If one indicator of the network is out of service, when it is fixed, all the weighs and the database of the network will be automatically updated with those of the functioning indicator.


Example of a network made up of two weighbridges:

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