

BEL Engineering – TX-110, dot-matrix serial printer

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TX-110 is a high-speed dot-matrix printer suitable for long-term data retention. It is compliant with ISO/GLP procedures, it is equipped with a bright OLED display and has various operating modes:
• DIRECT. Prints out current weight value
• TARE/NET/GROSS. Prints out these values separately
• SUM. Prints out the total value of samples
• AVERAGE. Prints out the average of samples
• FORMULATION. Print out each sample’s weight independently when mixing samples
• PIPETTE CALIBRATION. Calibrate capacity of pipette
• USER DEFINED. Operator can set a multiplicative coefficient
• COMPARATOR. Prints out weight value only when inside a defined range
• AUTOMATIC TIMING. Prints out weight value at defined time intervals

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BEL Engineering – TX-110, dot-matrix serial printer

Call for price


TX-110 is a high-speed dot-matrix printer suitable for long-term data retention. It is compliant with ISO/GLP procedures, it is equipped with a bright OLED display and has various operating modes:
• DIRECT. Prints out current weight value
• TARE/NET/GROSS. Prints out these values separately
• SUM. Prints out the total value of samples
• AVERAGE. Prints out the average of samples
• FORMULATION. Print out each sample’s weight independently when mixing samples
• PIPETTE CALIBRATION. Calibrate capacity of pipette
• USER DEFINED. Operator can set a multiplicative coefficient
• COMPARATOR. Prints out weight value only when inside a defined range
• AUTOMATIC TIMING. Prints out weight value at defined time intervals

Code: AC030
Type Impact dot-matrix serial printer
Charachter size 1,7mm (W) x 2,6mm (H) (approx.)
Printer paper Normal paper, 57mm width, 50mm in diameter
Print speed 1,7lines/sec (approx.)
Printer head life 1.000.000 lines
Display OLED 128×64 Dot matrix 0,96”
Clock Built in
Display OLED 128×64 Dot matrix 0,96”
Interface RS-232C (male Dsub-9pin)
Baud rate 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14.4k, 19.2k, 38.4k, 115.2k
External power supply unit (included) Input 100-240 V AC, 50/60Hz; Output 12 V DC / 2A
Power consumption 8W (printing) 0.5W (standby)
Operating conditions 5-45°C ; humidty 10-80% not condensing

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Type of display