Here we provide details on our weighing equipment wide range of products and models of digital and mechanical weight scales types including analytical balances, retail scale, floor scale, hanging scale. Also, we offer weighing system equipment including software, indicators, load cells, and other components and peripherals for industrial, retail, medical and other business use.
Petra ME is a weighing equipment supplier in Dubai with a network of branches and dealers in GCC and Jordan.
Featured Products
Analytical Balance | Gold Weighing Scales | Weighing Balance (11 Items)
Electronic Weighing Scales - Compact Bench (4 Items)
Retail Scales - Label Printing Scales (2 Items)
Platform Scales (4 Items)
Floor Scales (3 Items)
Hanging Crane Scales (15 Items)
Dynamometer (1 Item)
Pallet Jack Scale (2 Items)
Clinic and Physician Scale (3 Items)
Moisture Analyzer (2 Items)
Mechanical Scales (2 Items)
Personal Scale (8 Items)
Weighbridge and Trucks (5 Items)
Fork Lift Weighing (1 Item)
Weighing controllers / Indicators (3 Items)
Load cells (10 Items)
Test Weights (1 Item)
What is a weighing scale?
Its a measuring instrument to measure weight and mass. Its the most used instrument in life. The electronic weighing scale usually called a digital scale is commonly used type nowadays and it’s based on a strain gauge type load cell as a sensor that is connected to an LCD or LED weighing indicator that can display the weight values.
Types of weighing scales
Weighing scales types and their components can be classified and grouped in many ways. They can be categories into factors like the type of industry (cargo, medical, retail…), material type used for (gold, livestock, vehicles…), sensing direction (top-loading, hanging…), functionality (counting, price computing, label printing…)

Digital weighing scale
Personal and office (digital and electronic) weighing scales: body and bathroom scale, kitchen scale, fishing scale, letter scale, parcel shipping scale, gram scale, food scale, diet and nutrition scale, luggage scale, pocket scale, body fat scale, baby scale.
Platform & Floor Scale: industrial weighing scales, floor scales, heavy-duty digital weighing scales, platform scales, hook and hanging scales, drum scale, counting scale, ATEX / explosion-proof scale.
Trading and Retail Scale: retail weighing scales, commercial weighing scale, bench platform scale, gold weight scale, price computing scale, label printing scale, fish scale. carat (diamond weighing balance scale) / Laundromat / farmer / jewelry / storefront / deli / bakery scale, meat counter weighing scales, store scale, restaurant weighing scale.
Hospital and clinical scale: weight and height scale, BMI weighing scale, body composition analyzer scale, precision balance, analytical balance, medical scale, doctor scale, gym scale, fitness center and club scales, physician scale, professional body/baby / Bariatric/patients scale
Animal, pets and livestock weighing machines: veterinary / dog / pet / camel / horse / farm / cows / cattle weighing scales.
Laboratory and precision production balance: high precision balance, precision scale, analytical balances, semi and micro-balance, mili-grams (mg) scale, weighing balance
Pallet Jack scale: pallet trolley with weighing indicator and printer (optional)
Moister analyzers: moisture meter, Halogen Moisture Analyzer, moisture meter scale, moisture meter balance, moisture analyzers scale
weighing systems: Silo weighing system, industrial weighing machines, tank weighing systems manufacturers, tank weighing load cell, hopper weighing systems, level measurement by weight, conveyor belt weighing system and scale, airport bag weighing system.
Process weighing: weigh-feeders systems, belt weighing scale, belt weighing systems
Truck scales: weighbridge, axle and wheel scale, axle wheel pads, dynamic weighbridge, in-motion truck scale
Calibration/test weights: standard test weights, test weights sets, E1 E2 F1 F2 M1 M2 standard calibration weights, class 1 and class 2 calibration mass, cylindrical standard weights
Load cells and sensors: single point load cell, shear beam load cells, s-type load cells, weighbridge load cells, force sensor, strain gauge, double-ended shear beam, ball type load cell, Compression Load Cells, column load cells, digital load cell, canister load cell, ring torsion (RTN) load cell, pancake load cell, weigh modules.
Weighing indicators: counting/weighbridge/price computing/tank weighing indicator, remote weight display, weighing controller and terminals.
Weighing parts: weighbridge junction box, scale junction box, load cell junction box, load cell cables
Even more, our wide range of products is also from different manufacturers and brands such as Zemic, Rice Lake, Dini Argeo, Detecto, Seca, Ohaus, Tanita, Salter, Ishida, CAS, Shimadzu, Camry, Digi and more, to fit all your needs and tastes.
Weighing Scales and Equipment Certification and Standards
Our products are certified and with the accordance of:
- OIML: The International Organisation of Legal Metrology
- NTEP: National Type Evaluation Program (USA)
- ESMA: Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology
- SASO: Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization
Petra ME | A Weighing Scale Supplier
Petra is a weighing scales suppliers in Dubai – UAE. We also offer sales and technical service including delivery, installation, repair, and calibration of all types of weighing machines, equipment and weighing systems.
Our wide products range have all kind of categories and types include:
Service and delivery Areas:
Weighing scale – Dubai and UAE major cities: we provide free delivery and onsite installation and support for large and heavy digital weighing scales in Dubai and UAE majors cities and areas ( Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, JAFZA)
Weighing Scale – Dubai ; Petra is a weighing scale suppliers in Dubai.
Weighing Scale – UAE ; We are also a major distributor and manufacturer to must of weighing scales suppliers in UAE.